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Vivian Yeh
Release time:2021-10-11    Browse:

Vivian Yeh拥有22年年在纽约,台北和香港等各地代理商及品牌方的数字化及咨询经历,在中国也已14年的工作经历。是数字化战略,消费者互动和全球先进媒体解决⽅方案领域的思想领导者和创新先驱。目前任职与雅高酒店集团大中华区市场营销副总裁,带引品牌营销,忠诚度管理,电子商务,及数字创新产品四大团队。透过数字化转型在消费者的酒店餐饮体验中的各环节提升客户体验及提高生意利润。她引导了雅高集团与阿里巴巴集团的战略合作计划签署;开启雅高在美团点评上的创新产品理念;领导酒店利用微信商场开创利润。在美赞⾂(中国)有限公司时,她通过扩⼤数字化领域⼈才、提升其能⼒和增强公司的营销方向,加速了公司的消费者数字化业务发展。 她对消费者数字化⾏为和洞察的深入了解,使她能够利用正确的解决方案来优化数字化参与和沟通,从而实现公司的营销策略略。同时,Vivian还非常迅速地响应了了最新的技术创新,并相应调整和制定合适的营销方案。Vivian拥有宾汉姆顿⼤大学⼯工商管理硕⼠学位,不论作为甲方在 Accor, MeadJohnson,ABInBev, American Express任职期间,或是在乙方期间 ISOBAR和WWWins, 协助品牌Coca Cola,P&G,Reebok, PUMA,HSBC, 等客户拓展其在⼤中华区的业务,在业内享有美誉

22 years of digital marketing, digital transformation experience. Started from New York, Taipei and Hong Kong and arrived Shanghai, China since 14 years ago. Vivian Yeh expertise on thought leadership and driving innovations in the areas of digital strategy, consumer engagement and advanced media solutions for global clients throughout her career. As VP of Marketing in Accor Group, She is leading the digital transformation through Brand Marketing, Loyalty and Partnership, eBusiness and Digital Innovation to create seamless touch-point engagement in the consumer journey in hospitality.   She led the JBP for Accor and Alibaba, and recently setup innovative path leveraging Meituan Dianping advantage; She has also led the hotels to explore new business potential on WeChat Mall. Back in time with Med Johnson Nutrition (China) Ltd, she focused on accelerating the company’s consumer digital engagement business by enlarging its digital talent pool & capabilities and enhancing the company’s marketing directions. Her in- depth understanding of consumer digital behavior & insight enable her to leverage right solution to optimize digital engagement & communication to deliver company’s marketing strategies. Vivian is also very swift in response to latest technological innovations and making adaptive & appropriate marketing solutions Vivian holds an MBA degree Binghamton University and has a successful track record as being clients such as Mead Johnson, ABinBev, American Express and being consultant in ISOBAR, WWWins helping client such as Coca Cola, P&G, Reebok, PUMA, HSBC, Toyota to grow their business in Greater China. 


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